Shut up and take my money thread

Insta Bags for me are...

- Horo LP
- Tokyo Prose LP
- Clarity LP

- Jubei - To Have & Have Not LP
- Lenzmen - Looking At The Stars LP
- Platinum Breaks Vol 4

Dispatch - Transit Vol 2
Exit - Mosaic Vol 2

- Rawtekk - Sprouted & Formed LP
- Lung LP
- Royalston LP

I'm sure there will be a lot more...this year is doing some serious damage to my bank account :teeth:

thank you for ruining my wallet sir
obviously will throw my money at the dubphizix, spekptical and chimpo tune whenever Marcus decides to put that out
teddy killerz at the mo and anything involving jade gridlok billain mefjus chroma are killing it for me at the mo
I've been snapping up all the BMT vinyls, and looking forward to more and Frederick Robinson LP.
And Horo & Mosaic
2 more Calibre albums this year?
All things Paradox Music and Scientific Wax get bought on site. Dev smashed it at rupture on Friday.
Space cadets and anything FIS related.
Samurai is also killing me this year.

A serious amount of quality tunes are coming out atm and everyone seems to be loving the coloured vinyl! It's getting harder to cue up in a hurry when every other plate is translucentmarbledlimegrey etc. but I'm not complaining.
How does that colored vinyl sound? I haven't bought vinyl for a long time, but I remember the Penetration picture disks used to sound like shit.
Personally I can't tell any difference but the general consensus between audiophiles is that coloured gives more surface noise. The Record Industry, which is the 'largest vinyl pressing plant in the world' say this on their site:

"Note: Although our colored vinyl has a very high quality standard, audio pressed on non-black vinyl is more susceptible to higher noise levels and/or clicks in the lead-in and lead-out grooves or on quiet parts of the recording."

I think picture disks are completely different because it has a thinner layer of vinyl or something (due to a sticker of the pic underneath). I got one of the Metalheadz ones and it sounded so shit I backed it.
^^^ I think it varies.
Black is better. Some coloured vinyl sound top notch, like ASC - Polemic, but others sound like a quiet pressing, like Fre4knc - Tubular.
Also the Jubei - Say Nothin (Rockwell rmx) picture disc sounds really crisp, so no complaints about that one.
I feel sick mixing with picture discs I fucking hate them. And Adam F he's the cunt that brought them to the fore roundabout 2005..
I feel sick mixing with picture discs I fucking hate them. And Adam F he's the cunt that brought them to the fore roundabout 2005..

Headz and a Tech Itch were doing them first.

I have a few colored vinyl that forgot about. A Klute LP and an Amit tune on Commercial Suicide. Both still sound great.