DnB Ive been producing DnB for 4 months any advice on this attempt on a minimal

Yeah, nice vibe on this. I think maybe the concept is sound but the drop is rushed somewhat. Try the vocal a bit more subtle and some silence and FX after it before the drop?
Sounds are good and i like the style i think you are aiming for. Unfortunately, the bass just doesn't have the impact you would expect as it is. Drums are about there though so not all bad. The same bassline gets a little tired after a while as well but i think you could switch that up easy.
All in all, not a million miles away, id say your next step is to figure out why the bass sounds off? More low end might be shout? Try a multiband compressor on the bass and open up the low end.
yeah its a one note bass synth that your bassline is based on, and thats not a good strategy (unless you are the bassline king), so do something else with that part of your bassline, but generally your sound is dope, great drums, good mix, good concept, fuck for 4 months this is genius.