I want a Drum and Bass Forum Producers Mix


DnBF Sheriff
VIP Junglist
Sep 13, 2010
I have suggested it before and got shot down. However, I really want this. Who still mixes and is good at it??? I want an actual mixed set from the producers here. Free to download. Everybody puts in their best tracks. And we let a dj pick how they are played. We could possibly set up rules so the DJ does not exclude anyone, or spin to much of the better producers tracks. For instance, 500 post gets you one song play. 1000 post gets you two song plays. 3000 Post gets you three song plays. If there are two of you in a group the total amour of post between the two of you is where you sit. No more that three song plays per any artist.
This will be Awesome. Let me know what you think.
Not true. We can find many ways of getting everyone to contribute. If nothing else it gives all of us a reason to get better at producing or encourages collaborations. I have been following you and you are getting better. Plus that would be for the DJ to decide.
Not true. We can find many ways of getting everyone to contribute. If nothing else it gives all of us a reason to get better at producing or encourages collaborations. I have been following you and you are getting better. Plus that would be for the DJ to decide.

no exposure until i'm genuinely happy with my shit. And that's a while to go yet.
Lostnthesound and I can add a track or two, but we don't have much new stuff right now...probably would be one from the last few months. Anything from our current soundcloud page, really.
good idea. would be nice to have a dnbforum monthly podcast. we could put it up on itunes also. all tracks produced by members. every month we could have like a diff dj mix the tunes. would be a nice way to get djs and producers on the forum involved in one project
Great so plus 1 for The real Skuff to mix the first of a series of songs. So are the rules ok for song selection? i would like to make an Amendment that people under 500 post can get a song play but only if the DJ, says its ok.
And yes I think for now we will do drum and bass only. That could always change do to popular consent.
What are we gonna go for? A theme (liquid etc) or the whole McCoy? I'm easy either way