I want a Drum and Bass Forum Producers Mix

So are signed tunes ok?
Kama it is more than Awesome you want to participate. Yes, singed tunes are fine I think the main criteria needs to be active drum and bass forum member.
What are we gonna go for? A theme (liquid etc) or the whole McCoy? I'm easy either way

If your going to DJ good mixing skills will be the theme. However, not a bad idea. Something up for discussion.
I'm working on a tune right now, it would be really cool to fit it in this mix. Or just a track from my soundcloud if they're good enough.
I dont have a lot of posts tho, but I joined recently so I guess I can be considered as an "active" member ?

Nice idea btw
so whats the deal? a once off mix or get a podcast going? we could have 2 podcasts - one for dnb and the other for dubstep,electro, what have you. dj could start with some trappy shit then move on to mombah then on to electro housey stuff then end at 140? just a suggestion but im keen on the original idea
I would love to put in a tune of mine.

And maybe, the guy who mixes it all together is the one from the post 'best members mixes of 2012' ? I have seen quite a few bad guys up there :D
Lets get the Dj Now I'll Start a new post to see who wants to spin this. I will also post in the members mixes section to see if any one wants to participate.
Further discussion on what the rules of participation should stay in here.

I guess we should put a separate section for submission of songs.
ill submit some tunes
will have a look through and see whats mixable
TC was loving a tune of mine on Soundcloud, took it back to mix down better and improve, I'd love to submit it

Sent from Andy C's trucker hat using Tapatalk.
a suggestion from a non producers view, why not ask one of the people that post mixes a lot to do it, sort out the tracks that get sent over with just a name, then let the dj decide how to put them together without knowing whos tune is whos, that way it elimates any kind of existing bias? and everyones tracks would be viewed from a neutral point of view

just a thought, not saying i want to do it as i have no time atm just thought it could work
a suggestion from a non producers view, why not ask one of the people that post mixes a lot to do it, sort out the tracks that get sent over with just a name, then let the dj decide how to put them together without knowing whos tune is whos, that way it elimates any kind of existing bias? and everyones tracks would be viewed from a neutral point of view

Good point mang.
ill be up for mixing it if u still need a volunteer? Ill also throw in a few of my new bits...