T.E.E.D - Garden (Calibre Remix) on vinyl? When where?


Apr 26, 2011
Saw someone selling it for like £70....fuck that.....anyone know if more are coming out or what the crack is? Would be nice to have on vinyl ;)
Was a limited press wasn't it. Certainly not worth paying anything more than about 5 pounds for imo. Tune really is not that amazing.
I've had a few cut from there & can't recommend enough. Cheapest by a mile & the quality is spot on.
The tune is decent, but far far from Calibre's best. I find with most tunes that are really catchy, they get boring/annoying very very quickly. I wouldnt go near it for £20 let alone £70
Like stu said dont get the original pressing. Volume is wayyy down. buy it in flac or whatever and get one cut, with some capone on the b side
Selling Details from Discogs:

This last sold on May 11, 2012.

Highest: £74.99
Lowest: £9.99
Average: £38.28
Median: £30.68

What fucking idiot paid the highest price, imagine getting that in the post and then hearing the quality, I think I'd start beefing.
I knew I should have bought 3 copies...
yeah its a pretty average press but good tune anyways, calibre is such a boss.
He really puts most producers to shame which is amazing considering he is never really doing anything thats never been done before. Hes got a totally unique approach and sound but his musics little imperfections make it fantastic for me, its so raw. Everything he tries he pulls it off, hardly has made a bad tune and he sticks to his guns which is great to see cause hype gets to most producers heads and they end up putting out crap tunes

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