dunno wot u lot is on about
yeh skrillex is kinda big but needs to drop more tunes like that one
only dubstep song on my phone !!
the tune is shit
the reason he is popular is because people are dumb and dont have much taste. fact number 2!
society has made life hard but survival easy.
years ago people of low intelligence would not have survived and been eliminated from existance.
now society rewards stupidity by allowing them to breed with other stupidy creating more stupidity.
so now we have a whole race of dumb fucks living and breathing among us who support this tripe.
need more proof? i present to you "da toxic krew"
i rest my case
dunno wot u lot is on about
yeh skrillex is kinda big but needs to drop more tunes like that one
only dubstep song on my phone !!
my trolldar is off the fucking scale
abort thread abort thread
the tune is shit
the reason he is popular is because people are dumb and dont have much taste. fact number 2!
society has made life hard but survival easy.
years ago people of low intelligence would not have survived and been eliminated from existance.
now society rewards stupidity by allowing them to breed with other stupidy creating more stupidity.
so now we have a whole race of dumb fucks living and breathing among us who support this tripe.
need more proof? i present to you "da toxic krew"
i rest my case
Although I'm pretty sure these Toxic Cunts... I mean Crew, are all trolls anyway
you'd assume so. But he seems to actually answer questions back unlike for example Pecavi/Mono BTK.
If he isnt a troll, he is a goddamn clueless human being.
Im done.
the tune is shit
the reason he is popular is because people are dumb and dont have much taste. fact number 2!