Dirty Harry (Hazard) EP?

So it's PLAYAZ009 - Platinum Shadows EP

Description: DJ Hazard - Platinum Shadows EP

A - Psychedelic
B - Platinum Shadows
C - Against the Clock
D - All I Can Say

Audio up here-

Release dates here -

Great release. After this, it's the 241/Big Buisness on Radius, as shown in the website above.

SICKNESSSSSSS about bloody time. Psychedlic worth the wait.
this will be insta-bagged even if i have to sell my right index finger just to afford it!!!
That's one of his alias'

& why'd he put Spin Doc VIP as the A side of Dodge City? Dodge City is such a tune, that VIP is pretty gash

why would someone need 3 different alias'?

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