BreakNeck #2


This is Dog Fort
VIP Junglist
Nov 29, 2001

Cant say much other than "Heavy night" :slayer:

Myself and Triple M kicked the night off, few problems with the right turntable, we had to put up with it for about 30-40mins, then the Valve techy come and changed it for us. Rinsed out M-Code's new choon last, it went off, bigups M-Code!

I didnt know about Bassline Smith, never heard him play! But! He pulled off a superb set, full of the latest dubs!

John B, a little different but I think everyone enjoyed this one, I know I did! His last choon went off the scale, amens n reece! BOO!!!

We all knew it would be baaad, but Dillinja and Lemon D were completly on point IMO! Dope skills on the 1s and 2s, and the choons.... Oh man! They completly rinsed the venue. His new choon "Fast Car" is one of the heaviest Ive heard in time.

At 2AM, the crowd were left chanting for one more, they got another off Dillinja, once again the venue went crazy :crazy:

Bigups to all I spoke to, and bigups to Owain and Daniel (+ all involved!!) @ BreakNeck, lookin forward to Randall, J Majik, and Trace at the end of Feb!

Check da pictures ere

If you were in attendance, please post your comments in this thread
It really went off, top night but I'm pissed off dillinja didnt play grimey, what a let down, it shudve been the last tune but it wasnt happenin. The valve system was immense, i still cant hear properly.
Re: Re: BreakNeck #2

Originally posted by Affliction


I dunno how to make it simpler :laugh:

If you were at BreakNeck #2, which took place last night (31/01/03), please leave your comments, thoughts etc. in this thread.

Thank you :)
Re: Re: Re: BreakNeck #2

Originally posted by sdm
I dunno how to make it simpler :laugh:
If you were at BreakNeck #2, which took place last night (31/01/03), please leave your comments, thoughts etc. in this thread.
Thank you :)

Gah, straight over your head man!!! :rolleyes:

The gag was: i couldnt hear what you said cos i was still deafened from last night! :slayer:
Re: Re: Re: Re: BreakNeck #2

Originally posted by Affliction
Gah, straight over your head man!!! :rolleyes:

The gag was: i couldnt hear what you said cos i was still deafened from last night! :slayer:


Just goes to show you that humour does not travel well over the Internet ;)
Big Ups and thanks to everyone who made it down and had it proper boh Breakneck style.

Big Ups to the SDM and the Triple M for setting it off and all the support...


complete lock down crowd control!

This is just the beginning...
Wicked night all round !! :slayer: :slayer:

Big up all the people that made it to this historic event!

Maximum props going out Owain and Daniel and the rest of the kru!!

Booooooooom !

It was actually the best night ive ever been to. i thought john b was the shit. SDM and triple M were probably better than the rest,
But i prefered the techno room though.
Originally posted by iamahistorian
It was actually the best night ive ever been to. i thought john b was the shit. SDM and triple M were probably better than the rest,
But i prefered the techno room though.

Thanks! :slayer:

Lookin proper forward to BreakNeck #3
Originally posted by iamahistorian
It was actually the best night ive ever been to. i thought john b was the shit. SDM and triple M were probably better than the rest,
But i prefered the techno room though.

nice1 fella!
Simple answer - they were both as good as each other! Simon Bassline had a few mixes that my mum coulda done better (an she can!) But you cant fault John B , that concord dawn rmx of morning light was H-E-A-V-Y!, an Dillinjas rmx of Twist em out an that race tune - a killa fo dem baad man! M-Code's new choon was the bomb - whats it called an where can i get my grubby fingers on a copy?
what can i say? wicked night from start to finish! i expected more speakers but it was as loud as i thought it would be.

bigups to all breakneck crew. big tings gwarnin for 2003.

btw, my new tune is called cybernetik and is forthcoming on sinuous :gslayer: