What has happened to the Mighty Mampi Swift?

Don't know what set you were watching ( i presume you mean inno in the dam 09).. His set was the similiar one i have heard for the past 6 times i've seen him. He is boring to watch even live i find now, threw in the mampi CD.. from breakin science north v south. Opening mix = CLANG, reload. Attempt 2 = CLANG. Time has been and gone. Legend regardless.

First D&B tune i ever bought.. loved it :)

Mampi was the first dj that ever made me go "Wow" every rave i went to 2002-2004 he was the stand out dj even over andy, they used to battle for top dj untill friction entered the sceen.. There has been some talk of Mampi becoming deaf and that would make alot of scense as his ear for mixes has definatly gone down hill, Cant beleive how much this dude used to tear up a rave and i can honestly not bear to listen to his sets anymore because it upsets me lol

These also deserve a mention, "Touch of the J" is my fav Mampi track by a mile


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So......is he deaf then?
It would explain a shit load!
Can any1 confirm this?
As ive also heard rumors about this too.
At one point he was givin andy a run for his money, an them 2 used to push each other, andy went ahead an mampi seemed to fall off the wagon, then friction stepped up an took mampi's place.

@ his production skillz, lol he may of made anthems but there's a lot more to production then just making a riff, his mixdowns were awful an he's doing himself no favour with these new tunes?
I feel he reached his peak a while back an if his ears a goin then its best to just step down from dj'in/production?

Still, he's made his mark on dnb history, an ill remember him in his good old days, a legend with the strongest handshake in the world!! :mrgreen:
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