TruePlayaz @ ClubSplash-Stroud Thurs 27th June


Apr 14, 2002
Ransom Promotions Present... For Those That Now...

The Drum And Bass Sessions

1st in a series of monthly high profile Drum and Bass nights @Club Splash- Stroud

DJ Hype (True Playaz)
Terminal (Incision)
Access (Ransom)
DJ SE (Ransom)
DJ Dave T

MC Drop (Ransom)

9pm-2am Thurs 27th June @ClubSplash-Stroud

:slayer: :slayer: :slayer:
DJAccess said:
DJ Dave T

Ha ha, the effort some people put into their names eh??? Yes mate, I'll be there, Im coming with Mr Terminal, think were gonna shoot over to Brian G in Cheltenham after. Enuff Thursday night bizness going on!!!!
Mulla said:
DJAccess said:
DJ Dave T

Ha ha, the effort some people put into their names eh??? Yes mate, I'll be there, Im coming with Mr Terminal, think were gonna shoot over to Brian G in Cheltenham after. Enuff Thursday night bizness going on!!!!

Not sticking around for the mighty Hype then???

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
No offence mate, but I find Hype a bit predictable. Brian G pisses on him from a great height IMO (obviously not mixing-wise, but the tunes Brians gonna have!!!!)
But have no fear mate, I shall be there for your set, cant wait to see SE's set too!