Signal and ABIS (1/2 of June Miller) start a new record label


I don't get this new trend of everyone and their nan starting a record label, only plus side I can see is that you are your own boss and get to release the music you want to put out but if you have too many labels it just becomes a bit of a joke, might as well have every artist release on their own label lol
I don't get this new trend of everyone and their nan starting a record label, only plus side I can see is that you are your own boss and get to release the music you want to put out but if you have too many labels it just becomes a bit of a joke, might as well have every artist release on their own label lol

I think they do it not only cause they have full control of the music they wanna put out but also so that they don't have to wait ages to put out an EP on a label that has loads of artists. I imagine they probably also do it so that they can sort out vinyl for themselves too.

As for this DIVIDID label, most likely will be OTT neuro, not setting high expectations here.
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