the stereo image of the whole mix is good (id say a lil too wide but thats easy to fix)
right now its sounding quite rough, have you EQed everything? that bassline could defo do with some EQing/compression (bring out the growliness in the 2nd half of the pattern)
i think some atmos fx would sound good in the intro as well
edit: the sub sounds good as well, but id highpass the kick to 90hz so its not interfering
To be honest I haven't had much experience in EQ'ing growl basses (as you can see in my coldplay remix for instance :p), so what could be the best way for EQ/compressing that bass?
Actually so far, I only cut some mids, the ultrahighs and the subs from the bass as to sit comfortly within the subbass and hats.. I wouldn't know where to go next ;s
Obviously I have EQ'ed the drums, but I guess I could refine that a bit. Also I haven't spent any time on the stereo image yet, so at the moment it just goes through a standard mastering setup. I will change this accordingly later on
I'll definitely add some more sounds and fx'es in the intro too.
but instead of removing freqs, id use it to find bits that sound good (your b-line sounds a lot like a saw wave, and i think thats good), but remember to boost wide instead of narrow, but id really do a highpass at 90hz on the kick
Thanks! Well I tried the extra compression, and I think the bass is definitely better now. I might experiment a little more with it, but generally it feels even harder now