My mate went there he's got some well good quality videos and some pictures i'll get them off him tonight. Wish i could of went lol will soon be old enough to get in.
My mate went there he's got some well good quality videos and some pictures i'll get them off him tonight. Wish i could of went lol will soon be old enough to get in.
yehh i kno wot u mean about the vibes.. im also goin pontins next week that will hav a fukin mad atmosphere i rekon festivals seem 2 always hav a sik atmosphere! c u there
i dnoo i did lyk the venue but the crowd wasnt goin lyk fukin mental!! but i dnoo i personally stil thought it was sick! cant w8 2 get the sets! the friction set wiv eksman n herbzie was BIG!
yehh would lyk 2 go 2 bangers n mash apparrantly the lighting in area is madness
this was quite a big night....i know what u mean...people in room 1 wernt really going that mad though....hazard smashed it though....anyone see how mashed shabba was but spitting bang on point..made my night
Friction with Eks and Herbz was good
Hazard played his usual set of bangers, Bensta was good with him but looked like he was really ill
Evil B2B with Shabba smashed it
Original Sin turned up late but the 15/20 minutes he was on was good
and i duno who else caught him but Klip who was on at 10-11 was heavy