Female Vocalist Wanted


Kentish Junglist
VIP Junglist
Nov 6, 2003
Maidstone, Kent
If theres any female vocalists out there, hit me up if ur interested droppin ur vocal talents on one of my tracks that im soon to be making. theres a very good posibilty of a release cos iv got plans of pressing and releasing a track myself very soon. i will stress i dont need female MC's, i need a proper vocalist with a sweet soundin soulful voice for singing, not chatting. put links up with any demos or send them to me if anyones interested. ul get a cut of the profits if the tune gets released :) if ur names Angel J and u happen to be readin this hit me up cos iv heard u and ur amazing :2thumbs:
Triple M said:
Decent female vocalists gotta be the hardest thing in the world EVER to find!

Really??? I've got female vocalists coming out of my ears! The only problem is convincing them they want to sing in a dnb track (and that you know what you're doing)..

in the process of recruiting a vocalist right now, Dutch girl called Tanya - puts Mariah Carey to shame (im not joking either)
