Bad Company UK - Tetris - RAM

You have a reputation for liking shit Dagz, nothing to see here :teeth:


Yeh I can certainly agree with it being too short, gonna make an edit to keep the second drop rolling out for a couple of extra phrases
Is not just short because it's a radio edit or something? Can't imagine releasing the tracks as 3 min?
Yeah I just got it

The full track is 3:18

I have to agree I like my tracks around 5 minutes too, You have longer to get the next mix ready :teeth:
This, 100%. If it were back in the day they'd have at least stretched it out to 5-6 minutes and it would still be brilliant

Sign of the times we are living in I guess.
People can't focus for more than a minute, nowadays most sets feel like scrolling down the facebook and instagram in the same time.
Maybe producing tunes which are max 3 minutes long is the only way to make people listen to them.
And if you're lucky you'll hear the second drop and a gig ;)
Sign of the times we are living in I guess.
People can't focus for more than a minute, nowadays most sets feel like scrolling down the facebook and instagram in the same time.
Maybe producing tunes which are max 3 minutes long is the only way to make people listen to them.
And if you're lucky you'll hear the second drop and a gig ;)
Blame Andy ;) :teeth: