Tracks frm TC, Commix, Pleasure, Clipz, Matrix, Original Sin, Lemon D, And more...

Re: Tracks frm TC, Commix, Pleasure, Clipz, Matrix, Original Sin, Lemon D, And more..

Re: Tracks frm TC, Commix, Pleasure, Clipz, Matrix, Original Sin, Lemon D, And more..

sure does, but its different

plus i was a massive bionic commando on the nes back in the day, like i say when i play it not gonna be everyones cup of tea...

Not that he needed it, but my respect for Heist just went up like ten fold.

Bionic Commando was the shit back in the NES days. Hard as fuck, though, sometimes.

Not a fan of the tune, per se, but it does bring back good memories.

EDIT: Also, Trinity is MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE. Love this tune so much. Props on the mix, Heist.
Re: Tracks frm TC, Commix, Pleasure, Clipz, Matrix, Original Sin, Lemon D, And more..

yes heist big up mate, good to see japanese electronics gettin rinsed fuckin love that tune