DnB How to make a Netsky liquid synth?


New Member
Jan 16, 2012
Hello guys! This is my first post and really want to have feedback so this is the reason of my post in this forum!
I just want to know how i can make a typical netsky bassline (for example in everyday) because i tried a lot of square bass but didn't sound good...
Please, help me :) sorry for my bad english, i'm belgian :)

I'm working in FL studio!

Thanks, SinaX
post audio example, youtube or soundcloud, and im sure someone can explain in a straight forward way. netsky (whoever that is) seems to do pretty basic bass synths, its his arrangements and musical talent that makes it good. is what i imagine, alls i know is hes liquid and they dont really do that complicated stuff with the bass
Yeah, I agree logikz, that's true. I have noticed that Netsky have used a lot of sine-square- waves, -7 pitched etc... quite easy though. But yes, his musical gifts are really remarkable.
Here is the my last 2 square bass but i don't know if i'm in the good way because it doesn't sounds good.., Capture d’écran 2012-01-17 à 08.20.47.pngCapture d’écran 2012-01-17 à 08.25.33.png
Please, Help me! This is the kind of sound that i would like to have http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z1X4MPsqk or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD40VXFkusw

I don't want to have exactly the same sound but i work, work, work and noting is good... Please, help me! i have a great track and i have no drop..;

Thanks a lot guys!

Get 2 Square waves, and, using speakers, amplify the signal through a large net (approx. 3 squared metres in size) then route this through the sky (so out of a plane window for example). Sorted