Female Vocalist looking to collab


New Member
Sep 24, 2009
Somewhere in the Midlands...
I'm a UK female vocalist, you can check out some of my acoustic covers at http://www.soundcloud.com/monroeband

Looking for producers to work with on DnB tracks - I write lyrics etc, and have worked on a fair few different projects, but most producers hear my voice and stick me on RnB tracks - eurgh!!
I definitely prefer my music on the bassier side, and really wanna get cracking on some decent DnB tunes.

Give me a shout if you're interested in using my vox.

Hi there, i am a Techdance producer itching to get a female singer to work with me. I have worked with a very, very talented female singer from Leicester called Izzy Marie Hill and thought working with her was the best experience i have had in music yet... I want it again.

You can check our song via the link below (if they let me post it) it is called 'Need you Here'.


Back to what im doing now...

I am working on Techdance/Popdance tracks mainly basshunter style (but my own style). I use basshunter as an easy example of the tracks i am making. I have a few tracks i need lyrics and vocals to and i am very good at creating a track around a vocal. So, if you have any dancy acapellas of your own then you can send me them via email (mp3. format) and i can get to work immediately.

I hope you share the same interest as me. I also do other styles such as piano ballads and chilled out tracks so we could maybe compramise..? A dance track for a track of your desired choice?

Soundcloud features my most recent tracks as i have only just made an account with them. It holds the current style of music i am working on.

Soundcloud (New account) - http://.www.soundcloud.com/alienscape-music


To hear what else i can do then please head to my Youtube channel and pick your desired playlist.

Youtube (Has all of my styles on it) http://www.Youtube.com/djoutshout

You can also contact me directly via email @: Andrew.Slayer@Yahoo.co.uk

Thanks, Andy (AlienscapeMusic).