Help a beginner out.

Thanks guys for helping out. Sorry if this counts as a bump, but I was wondering about something.
How would you attempt to "ghost snares" in FL? It's the fact that although I'm approaching the right steps with my drumbeat, it just doesn't have the...DnB feel to it, if you know what I mean.
SOS Productions!!! You are great! that File you uploaded helped me alot too!

but now I have another question:
In a Tutorial by Chase and Status
part 2
they talk about the kick should be around 100 Hz, the snare about 150-200 and the bass at about 50Hz

So my question:
Do I need to, to check this out precisly, download a Plugin (does someone maybe have a link for it in that case) or is this the Parametric EQ 2 thing you have on your instruments and stuff ? Because there are some things about Hz too. Or should I ignore that while I am making the song on only check this out for mastering at the End?

For the Record: I started producing DnB last week^^ havent got anything up yet, working on a Rush/Optical - Compound - Remix (to get into FL 8^^)

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