"Embers Breaks" mONo BKT PROMOTION

If he only would leave this forum to producers..


he really is a "producer" I found this rough diamond , good tune, not Embers breaks though.

Hey mono BKt, I've been following your career since Embers blew up around the world, I'm trying to push a new style of Dnb called "Techno-Dnb" can you give me any tips? or advice about how your style is becoming so sucessful, Thanks Ray
Could we just hire someone to wipe this guy out?:shades:

Jens cant live that far from mono. Maybe he could be made a mod in return for this small favour?

The Belgians invented a lot of music , they invented most techno and hardcore,

just a bit of useful info for you.

What are you on about? Most Techno? Techno came from the US. Belgium was at the forefront in europe, yes. But what the fcuk is most techno? Did I miss the other technos? :lol:
Symptoms include itching and irritation in the genital area. Since crabs live off of your blood, you may find bluish spots where the crabs have been feeding. Dark spots may also be visible on your skin or underwear. These spots are the crab feces and indicate a definite infestation. Additionally, you may be able to see genital crabs crawling around in your pubic hair or find nits (eggs) close to the bottom of the pubic hair shaft. It is also common to experience a slight fever and feel irritated and run down when you have a pubic lice infestation.
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