Zief - Hollow

listening now bro

intro beats are sweet, nice and sharp, very tight
ohh, bass is cool and the vocal is very effective . :mr_cool:
fuck me what a drop, man is this signed to a label cause it sounds like it should be. definately got that complex beats sound :eek:
man can i play this in a mix of mine, i would love to drop this, its nuts
excellent work zief, like i said in my above post, i knew i wouldnt be dissapointed
dj.jason said:
man can i play this in a mix of mine, i would love to drop this, its nuts

Thanks a lot for your liking!

It isn't signed to a label (yet?), quite impossible because I haven't contacted any labelowners (yet?) (i suck at contacting labels ;))

I am honoured you want to drop this in a mix of yours. You're welcome to drop it :devilslay

zief said:
Thanks a lot for your liking!

It isn't signed to a label (yet?), quite impossible because I haven't contacted any labelowners (yet?) (i suck at contacting labels ;))

I am honoured you want to drop this in a mix of yours. You're welcome to drop it :devilslay


you shouldnt have much trouble signing a tune like this mate, its stompin :wink:

im the one who is honoured to play a tune of this calliber , i rinse your complex beats tune all the time, love your work mate

really top notch tune here mate, your beats are runnin.. Good change ups and measure ends... Phat bass tone.. what is that vocal sample sposed to be sayin??? drop is sweet, good original ideas, you got a top sopund man, big up... Get this bad boy signed
Cheers for the listen...
Give my trizzies a listen
BeatMech 101 - The Wrath & Anything is Possible
nice. Clean beat. Well mixed intro. Punchy and clear. Nice subbass. nice wawa ! saying nice a lot ! yeah man cool.

whats that wahwah synth - is this done in acid ??

perhaps a little more variation in the beats, but then again its not the done thing these days... !

Cool, like the vocals as well yup a well put togethr track mate nice1
