Your Subconscious

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In 1997, after a wild party involving mephederp & copius amounts of gay sex, your subconscious was involved in a horrific traffic accident (subconsciously), leaving your subconscious only able to describe your subconscious (subconsciously), in the 3rd person...

This has led your subconscious to subconsciously, yet consciously present your subconscious, consciously, as a prize berk.

Your Subconscious Sincerely,

Your Subconscious
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all in all this thread has turned out really well. has to be said. couldntve hoped for a better result. now, if youll excuse me, im going fall repeatedly with my face at this keyboard.
all in all this thread has turned out really well. has to be said. couldntve hoped for a better result. now, if youll excuse me, im going fall repeatedly with my face at this keyboard.

couldn't agree more. this has gone swimmingly so far.
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