exactly, if ancy c played nothing but drumstep everyone wouldn't rate him they do
Tbh, I dont even rate Andy on selection any more. Too much Nero & knife party!! Give me an hour of Marky any day of the week!!
exactly, if ancy c played nothing but drumstep everyone wouldn't rate him they do
Give me an hour of Marky any day of the week!!
Onset at momentum in leeds. didnt check further than icicle youngst or optiv on the poster but seen him a few times now. mixes as good as the headliners
Pre-pitcher tho :/ Didnt touch the pitch once when I saw him in Bournemouth a few years ago
I remember Nero ages ago, like 2008 when they werent much known,they wasnt making any dubstep at that time.... I never imagined they would turn to what they turned to.... good times
Ah sheeet
I did not know that! I guess standing at the back does have some drawbacks