DnB XIRIS - Switch


Resident Canadian
VIP Junglist
Jan 9, 2014

This is a bit different for me, haven't done anything heavy since Danger Zone [that's been worth sharing anyways, there are some seriously awful reece rollers on my hard drive now, hahah].

This one all started with my playing with chords and drums, and evolved several times into what is now this.
I feel its got a bit of the Hamilton production style to it..

Thoughts? Comments? I'd love to hear your opinions!
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Awesome work Xiris! Only listening on earbuds just now, but that bass is really doing it for me; there's some great movement in there. The drums are sounding nice and punchy, the transitions are interesting and doing a good job of keeping it fresh, maybe the tom fills could be brought up a little more? If I were to suggest one thing it'd be to incorporate some synth stabs in the main section, perhaps something slightly lasery? If for no other reason than to see how it sounds, could be an awful idea. Pumped to see how this turns out man :)
absolutely killer snares! also that bassline definitely gives a nice workout to my sub. maybe you could add some dark atmopsheres/strings/pads to add just a lil texture? or maybe play with those tom fills just a tad to make em more interesting? just a thought.
anyway, sick tune, looking forward to its final form
Awesome work Xiris! Only listening on earbuds just now, but that bass is really doing it for me; there's some great movement in there. The drums are sounding nice and punchy, the transitions are interesting and doing a good job of keeping it fresh, maybe the tom fills could be brought up a little more? If I were to suggest one thing it'd be to incorporate some synth stabs in the main section, perhaps something slightly lasery? If for no other reason than to see how it sounds, could be an awful idea. Pumped to see how this turns out man :)

I laughed (okay i chuckled) out loud when i read this, i had stabs and i muted em out right before this bounce because i felt they weren't adding enough. Kept sounding like i was dropping in a second tune over the bass... gotta find some stabby tunes to double-drop with this haha. I agree with you, the tom fills need a boost. Thanks for your response!

absolutely killer snares! also that bassline definitely gives a nice workout to my sub. maybe you could add some dark atmopsheres/strings/pads to add just a lil texture? or maybe play with those tom fills just a tad to make em more interesting? just a thought. anyway, sick tune, looking forward to its final form

I'll definitely explore presets and see if something gets my mind going, that's one thing i do struggle with when going for that heavy dnb sound, how to fill out the tune without making things dull. and yes my toms are quite boring right now, haha. Thanks for the suggestions!

Mate! absolute stinker!! The stereo imaging of the mid range bass sound sick! good work man. Drums are sounding very nice as well. Cant wait to hear more....

Thanks man! I'll post up the finished product once I get there.
I'm surprised no one mentioned how loud that sweeping-down sub was.. gotta adjust my high cut on my sub layer i think... got some doubling up going on between that main mid-bass sound and the sub

This is a bit different for me, haven't done anything heavy since Danger Zone [that's been worth sharing anyways, there are some seriously awful reece rollers on my hard drive now, hahah].

This one all started with my playing with chords and drums, and evolved several times into what is now this.
I feel its got a bit of the Hamilton production style to it..

Thoughts? Comments? I'd love to hear your opinions!

Nice snare, sounds really sub focus-esque. The bassline sounds a bit too wide for me, I'd prefer it to be more centered, makes it a bit harsh on the ears! The actual tone of it is sick though!

Updated version, reworked the bass a bit to try and get that mid-range tightened up a bit.. centered the bass a bit, fixed some phasing issues, did many other things, ate some cookies and uploaded this.

Thoughts on the update?
this is dope man, good work. this mix sounds clean to me (although didnt hear previous version)