Whitey - Kane FM & DJ Mag mix


Apr 2, 2008
Easy people,

Ages since I last posted a mix up on here, so thought i'd share a new one I did recently for Kane FM and DJ magazine

Download link



Phace & Misanthrop - What's Wrong
Dillinja - All Aboard
Subfocus - Stomp
Phace & Rockwell - No!
Heist - Free Texts*
Break - Framework
Original Sin - Move
State of Mind - Ronald Reagon
Siren - Snorkel
Crystal Clear & Zen - Bullet
Kasra & Jubei - The Rift
Wilkinson - Tonight
Ulterior Motive - Sticky Tape
Who is it - Bladerunner Remix
Krakota - Untitled*
Sato - Clap ya Hands
Break - Hot Love
Calibre & ST Files - Falling Down
Rene LaVice - Headlock
Octane & DLR - Back in the Grind (Cern & Dabs Remix)
Zen - Bass Invaders
Harvest - Prophecy
The Sect - Cybermen (Break remix)
Dub Phisix & Skeptical - Marka

Thanks to anyone who takes a listen!
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Looks wicked geez, will get on the download tonight!
Any mix that has All Aboard in it is alright in my book :D

Nice one!
Nice one for checking Wayne and Matty!

@ Matt - Not quite as 300mph ridiculous mixing as yours bro, but still.. enjoy!
Just finished listening to this again man, sooooo smooth!
Dont think I heard it go out of beat for even a second, and everything was Eq'd perfectly!

My favourite bits were definitely

Original Sin - Move
State of Mind - Ronald Reagon

Never heard that Ronald Reagon tune before, well funky! Thats definitely getting bagged.

Break - Hot Love
Calibre & ST Files - Falling Down
Rene LaVice - Headlock
Octane & DLR - Back in the Grind (Cern & Dabs Remix)

Was sick as well.

Now we just need a longer mix, im thinking like an hour / hour and half :teeth:
Big ups bro! This is guna get a good few more plays this week.