white mcs actin black


Nov 23, 2003
lil' place called pompy.
why is it the case that many of our very own brittish mcs,who are indeed white;feel the need to chat in an afro caribean style cant they develop their own unique technique?or is it the fact the they niether have the skill or talent to represent themselves and their own roots.
last friday i was dissapointed with the bland vocal talents of the breakneck crew...bar Freestyle,who can lay it down.
i mean dont like to name names but... throcker, hum or should i say- shocker,cos man your lyriks were either ripped or it they jus sounded that way,coz you were chattin in the style of sum rudebwoy jamaican!
cum on lads be real, represent your own roots,if ya a white wide boy from pompy big it up and drop sum heavy shit,dont get on the mic and pretend to be the next mc dett,allwite!! :mad_guy: breakneck was a heavy night yet lacked the real ravin vibes.
It must be hilarious for black mc's looking at all these Mc's in question. Imagine a black mc imatating a white mc, hahaha, it would never happen cos there's no style to imitate,................yet!!!

Saying that there are a lot of white mc's establishing their own style, mainly in the u.k. hip hop arena but a lot go unnoticed within drum and bass. A style really does need to be established, it cannot continue along the hyping line. We certainly need to shift the attention from how an MC can rinse a crowd to how musically talented is the MC.

I agree that crowd hyping MC's are alright for rave's as long as they don't start getting excited and enlighten me to the fact that they are 'Big Time Celebrity's' or that they are 'Highly(repeat 32 time's)(4 second pause)Blessed'. In a club though I really do think that the MC should be integrate him/herself into the mix. He should watch what the DJ is doing, respect the fact that he controls the atmosphere of the club.

MC's need to fix up, big time. It's not just white mc's, all race's have a type of MC that shouldn't be in a club. They shouldn't be getting paid for reading out name's, saying selecta in an elaborate way, doing the 'When I say X you say Y', calling for rewind's,etc,etc. It's like a fucking pantomine, so fucking predictable (he's behind you!!!)They shouldn't be allowed to talk shit!!!!!!!

Bring on a new style of MC they can morph into a tune, know every tune that's coming, know what the DJ is doing at all time's and can fight the temptation to continusly big himself up.

To all new MC's,
the beast,
of the pantomine MC's!!
It's everywhere! In the States we got these chumps who either chat in a horrible fake English accent :? or don't know the tunes so they just chat pre-written hip hop flows and rap into all the breakdowns :jerkit:
:gslayer: does always make me chuckle though when ya hear white boys tryin to put the fake accent on. some one said earlier on u dont get a "white style" of mcin check out the hardcore mc's no fake accents there he he(uk ones)
some one said earlier on u dont get a "white style" of mcin check out the hardcore mc's no fake accents there he he(uk ones)


So true!!!! Forgot about them!!!! It certainly aint worth imitating though!!!!!!!
The thought of american MCs trying to sound british is fucking crazy man (don't want to hear it tho).
I just kinda ignore most MCs these days tho I've heard a few ones that were OK. Spyda wasn't all that bad last time I saw him. Not great but didn't ruin the set
White MCs acting black..... they all do that..... how is that different? Look at M&M and all those.....things.

Speaking of MCs, wheres MAD P.?
daky said:
why is it the case that many of our very own brittish mcs,who are indeed white;feel the need to chat in an afro caribean style cant they develop their own unique technique?or is it the fact the they niether have the skill or talent to represent themselves and their own roots.
last friday i was dissapointed with the bland vocal talents of the breakneck crew...bar Freestyle,who can lay it down.
i mean dont like to name names but... throcker, hum or should i say- shocker,cos man your lyriks were either ripped or it they jus sounded that way,coz you were chattin in the style of sum rudebwoy jamaican!
cum on lads be real, represent your own roots,if ya a white wide boy from pompy big it up and drop sum heavy shit,dont get on the mic and pretend to be the next mc dett,allwite!! :mad_guy: breakneck was a heavy night yet lacked the real ravin vibes.
i agree you should chat your own ting ha.. if you cant mc your own style ie were ya from and ya own acsent dont bother white and blak styles are very different they should stay that way too .. im from pompey ive got my own style i chat about wat is going on and were im from but i also chat wat goes on around the big citys .. respect portsmouth up and comming and stik together with our own thing .. i got alot to learn but its nearly there big up 3d you should here this boy very gooood ..
Too right
If you want to rip someone off, try that dude from "the Streets"
its honest, and he aint rhymin about slinging 9mms or cruising in Rolls either
special mention goes too MC Vapour for that fantastic demonstration of whitey in "Time to roll"
Thinking of gangstas... you dont really have much of a chance checking up on those Raggamuffin Gangstas, them having done "all the crime" back in Jamaica and all