Which mix? Spooky, Unique, or OIA???


New Member
Mar 12, 2009
So, I hit up Beatport a few days ago lookin for some tracks to spin and came across a mix done by DJ Spooky, King Unique and organicArma. Track's called Discordia...

The Spooky and Unique remixes are both unbelievable and the original version by organicArma is wicked dope!

I'm torn as to what I should spin next week at Alchemy...

LLLLLLOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL!!!!!! r u serious! thats minimal/tech music! this is dnbforum! i dont get how people like minimal music...its soooooooo boring! i went to some minimal rave in a carpark a while back and left after about 20mins...it just has nothing to it, no enrgy or anything! anyway i probably wudnt quite so offensive if it wasnt 5:30am and im smashed...but still, dont post minimal music stuff on dnbforum, surely u can tell just from the fact its called dnbforum?!?!?!?!
All musical taste discussion aside, how did you possibly end up on dnbforum if you were going to ask about a completely different genre? You could have at least posted in the correct section.