what label?

Honestly with all these fellas starting labels, just give it a shot. I'm sure they are all hungry for some a&r gifts from the gods.

You made a really decent tune, I would play it out. Try and contact DLR at Sofa Sound or something..Hybris launched a new label.. Perez with 1984. Check it out. Your tune is bad to the bone and belongs on wax.
is it cos he is ill but not?lol

Well, I don't know, he may be busy. He left BBC Radio 1, no? Last time I listened he said on air it was his last show.

I just assumed he's focusing on his own production now.. and probably doing some a & r.. with playing gigs. Getting off topic, the point is, it's not that out of the ordinary for a new artist to make something strong enough to get on a major label. And if you want to send it, go ahead. If you get accepted, I'll be the first to buy it.
Really cool track man. Be surprised if it doesnt get picked up. Had me bopping my head after a couple of bars
personally I don't think it shogun level, but who's to know, it might be exactly the sort of tune one of the big honchos are looking for. I'd be more tempted to send it to Playaz myself