what is the transform (punch) button on a mixer?


VIP Junglist
Jun 15, 2011
Next weekend I'll be playing a gig and we just bought a relative cheap mixer to use as "main" mixer.
we connect both my electronic drumkit and my s4 to it.

we bought the Numark M3 which had killswitches, that is actually the reason I bought it.
But it also has transform buttons,
I just googled to see what these are, but all I found were lame answers like:
"they turn down the suck and turn up the awesomeness" xD

So could someone exlain to me exactly what these buttons do?
and is the Numark M3 a decent mixer?
the audio just has to go through it, the actual mixing will happen on a s4.

Thanks a lot for the huge amount of replies.
I guess no one knew what it was, I figured it out btw.
and let's just say that "transform punch" sounds a lot cooler than the actual effect.

If you press the transform punch button located at channel A then channel A will get muted until you release the button.

sounds awesome right? xD
I thought they were normally the other way round? I mean the button would punch the channel "in" (bypass the crossfader) rather than punch it "out"
well my crossfader was centered in the middle.
maybe if the crossfader is set to only let audio from deck B through the button will have a different effect.
but I actually never use the crossfader.
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