Website Launch:


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
Announcing the launch of a new website which aims to provide an easy way to search for rare and hard to find tunes.

Performing a search on will display results for new and/or used vinyl/cds from a mixture of private sellers as well as small and large online record stores worldwide.

This should hopefully make it easier for buyers to find an item without browsing through loads of different online record stores and classifieds. It also allows easy price comparison.

Advertising your own tunes for sale is FREE if you are a private seller and really good value if you are a business seller.

Although the site is only just being launched we already have a good number of sellers signed up but we need more if this site is to become an invaluable resource. So if you have music to sell please list your items with us and spread the word around.

Cheers for listening and please feel free to contact me with any suggestions as to how the site might be improved. We already have loads of ideas in the pipeline.
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