WAV to MP3


Kentish Junglist
VIP Junglist
Nov 6, 2003
Maidstone, Kent
iv put a mix onto my PC for the first time and its stuck in a WAV file. does anyone know how i could turn it into an MP3 so i can post it on here? Thanx in advance for all the helpin' massive! :P :thumbsup:
I used to use the Soundforge program that came with my computer to convert files, but it doesnt support mp3's without paying for the plugin anymores. But there are programs out there, even for free, that'll convert em. I'd give a link if I had any, but I dont.. well good luck with that neways ;)
thanks for the help

i downloaded the programme u said sdm and it converted it to mp3... but when the mp3 came out everything is twice as fast on it 8O does anyone have any ideas about that?
sparkyc10 said:
thanks for the help

i downloaded the programme u said sdm and it converted it to mp3... but when the mp3 came out everything is twice as fast on it 8O does anyone have any ideas about that?
Never came across that problem.

CDex is one of the best as it uses the 'Lame' MP3 codec, which is easily the best codec of it's type.

I would check the sample rate you recorded it at, as changing that when you encode could double or half the speed of the mix.
Soundforge is the best thing to use,
just open the wav file up and save as a mp3,

dunno why it would of saved it twice as fast unless u changed the sample rate or summit :shrug:
missrepresent said:
Soundforge is the best thing to use,
just open the wav file up and save as a mp3,

dunno why it would of saved it twice as fast unless u changed the sample rate or summit :shrug:
i use super audio converter useful for up loading tunes on to Acid planet as they need to be WMA files u can download SAC off kazzaa in minutes :wave:
sparkyc10 said:
thanks for the help

i downloaded the programme u said sdm and it converted it to mp3... but when the mp3 came out everything is twice as fast on it 8O does anyone have any ideas about that?

most likely that your mix was recorded at 22KHz and you're mp3 encoder is using 44.1KHz... Check the encoding options for "sampling frequency" or "sample rate" and change it to 22k.
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