warcharm and hezit - smokers die younger

Okay first impression: nice title!
Wanna light one up? :D

Yeah great atmospheric sounds in the intro, really feeling it.
Drums kick in nicely, good vibe. Maybe make it more interesting by putting a lowpass filter on it that slowly opens up. To give it a little bit more feeling to the drop.
The drop is way to simple, gotta work on that. The bass is cool so with some work and a nice buildup in front of the drop you can make this a banger!
wow.. another very impresssive track from you guys. love it. amazing style. big things.
nice one for ya input bro, i appreciate it, tbh i usually spend alot more time on my tunes an got a bit lazy on the production of this one, still an on going project, but yeah i will take into consideration what u said an add the improvements..safee!!
cheers lucid, glad ur feelin me tracks! got loads more to be uploaded soon, ive been makin lot more lighter stuff recently so will be interesting to see what u think..anyways.safe!!!
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