Damn, Badlands is a helluva rekkid to try to find, son. The only place I could find it (out of like 30 online stores that I checked) is on planetxusa. I dunno if you wanna go paying an import price for a domestic (for you) release, plus overseas shipping, but I guess that's your call.
It's listed as a "might-be-in-stock", so there's no guarantee that you'll actually get it, but try if you want, there's no charge to you if they don't have it. I can't give you a direct link, cause of the way their site is set up, but I'll tell ya exactly how I found it.
Go to
http://www.planetxusa.com There's a splash picture that will come up, click on the section that says "win" and "sign in". You may have to register to go further, I dunno for sure. If you don't have to register, or if you already have, click on the "Shoppe" link in the green top bar. On the next page, click on the "DJ Shoppe" in the 2nd green bar from the top. (Stupid, yes.) Now you can finally search for the damn thing. Select the "Jungle" category, and search for "Badlands" with the "Track Title" option selected. Hit "Search" (a straight Enter won't do it).
You should now have 3 choices - the Original, the Bassline Smith remix, and a Bill Riley rekkid. If you do order from them, I've always gotten good service. The only thing I can complain about is that those "might-be-in-stock" records really are that. There's no guarantee whatsoever.
Good luck.