Using both inserts in Massive at the same time?

mr meh

Well-Known Member
VIP Junglist
Oct 17, 2010
Hull, UK
Anyone know how to get both inserts in Massive working at the same time? The sound is not affected at all when I switch the second one on. You can switch between the two on the routing tab but you only seem to be able to use one or the other, not both together.

Or is it just my version that does this? (and no its not a cracked copy either!)
You can use one before the filter and one after it via the routing section, but im not sure if you can use both before, or after the filter
I think it is all about routing,this works for me:)
Yeah thats how i do it, but one is before the filter, one is after. you cannot highlight both before, or both after as far as im aware