

DIBBA DIBBA!!!*^@%~!
VIP Junglist
Aug 22, 2003
Picked up my copy of "Uprising" today, and all I have to say is :devilslay So glad they threw Morning Light and Raining Blood in the picture.
evol4276 said:
Picked up my copy of "Uprising" today, and all I have to say is :devilslay So glad they threw Morning Light and Raining Blood in the picture.
Sick album, big up Matt and Evan :thumbsup:
Raining Blood & Morning Light = 2 of my fave concord dawn tunes. along with take me away, guardian angel, don't tell me :hold_hand
yeh -
Morning Light
Get Ready
Raining Blood
Don't Tell Me
Horror Show
Let it Go

pick it up if you haven't, it's good :gpeace:
yeah but morning light, aurora, raining blood and zulu have already had releases....
no point in releasing them twice eh...
axon said:
yeah but morning light, aurora, raining blood and zulu have already had releases....
no point in releasing them twice eh...

think of people who only buy CDs, who don't like to pay $20 for a single, who don't hunt vinyl constantly, and people who like it all in one tidy package ... I'm glad they put all this on there. Concord Dawn are ruling.
For sure!
i got uprising when it was available here,well good!
I prefer buying mix cds though.

i see alot of their tunes in online mixes,its good to see! NZers mashn it up overseas!!! :)

ive heard them live 2x,they go spaztastic!

i still like take me away

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