Underspawn - The Highway


Well-Known Member
VIP Junglist
Oct 23, 2010
I'm feelin kinda productive lately, just finished another tune. All feedback good/bad is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who listens.

lovin the vibes mate. listening out of laptop so cant comment of bassline, but sounds nice and rolling from what i can hear. some really cool sounds and multiple melodys = the way to go. production values right up there as well. could imagine this being snatched up by a deep liquid label, in which cae id probs buy it. one thing i would say is that the bass sounds after the second drop maybe sound that bit too pronouced and trebley- although i do like them there, good switching it up.

Like the name as well
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really like this man bass is lovely
recon it just needs a bit of a crisper mixdown to bring the drums out a bit more they sound nice tho just a bit low
love the funky little trumpet or watever it is
also intro could maybe do with a volume boost
overall the tune sounds great musical wise just needs some bits touched up
good work mate
Thanks for the feedback man, i agree bout the drums. I'll have to do a proper mixdown, cuz i just adjusted the levels while arranging and the drums really do sound drowned by the rest, esp by that pesky bass.
Nice work on this mate! levels all sound good, flows rele well, more into jungle / ragga meself but its rele good work :)