Ulteria Motive - Chords (Mellow Cut)

Maybe links better if I get rid of spaces!!!


this tune is hot man.... the intro has wicked vibes, the beat could pumped up in the intro a bit though, just so that it has a bit more pow... the drop distorts a bit, just need to sort out the levels and this would be a great track, and a bit of mastering technique... there's quite a difference in volumes between the intro and the drop and breakdown, so a lite compressor on the master could be useful... Sick ideas though bud, call me up and we'll get together
BeatMech 101 said:
this tune is hot man.... the intro has wicked vibes, the beat could pumped up in the intro a bit though, just so that it has a bit more pow... the drop distorts a bit, just need to sort out the levels and this would be a great track, and a bit of mastering technique... there's quite a difference in volumes between the intro and the drop and breakdown, so a lite compressor on the master could be useful... Sick ideas though bud, call me up and we'll get together

Cheers Jaise! I am a bit of an idiot.. I get to eager to upload shit after doing a bit to it.. I am actually uploading a newer version right now as I am reading this message.. hopefully with better levels now and I fixed up the second half of the track! To master I pretty much have to burn a cd and listen to it on different sound systems and shit which is pretty hopeless!!

Yeah dude I might call you on monday if I don't have work that night (my boss is going on his honeymoon so I think they want me to work that night), if not maybe on saturday.. anyway I'll figure something out!

Cheers again for your comments man! Got any new tunes yourself in the works?


cool, i look forward to the update, as for myself i just finished the master on anything is possible and it's soundin just how i want it... beats are heavier and bassline is a bit darker... i'll find someone to host it and throw it up here when i do... i work most nights as well but am free everyday durin the day till tafe starts except sundays... did you get my msg???? if so you got my number so let me know, i can come to you or you come to me, whatever's clever... look forward to throwin noise around with someone else rather than bein a lone computer geek, hehe...
Msg me when you wanna talk tunes...
Cheers bud...