True Romance / Bellini and Drop It Down / Bleep back in stock

ooh yeah, i'm really skint at the moment. hopefully True Romance and Mr Majestic are still in stock next month, if not it should be very affordable on discogs now
Every dnb head should possess a copy of true romance! Going to bag mr majestic again as its such a tune! Also got rid of a spare copy for £20 just last week!
I got a copy of true romance a while back..I tend to queue it from the drop then tease it in, but when you're moving it back and forth on the drop it tends to skip back a bar or 2 so when you actually throw it in its like a second or so out... Might not have explained it the best, but anyone else have this or did I just get a bad press??
^ never tried cueing from the drop, i think the impact is in those familiar stabs before the drop if you're gonna tease it in. but i could see why you'd cue it for the more Reesey part
I just love cutting across for the buhhh duuh du du duuuuuuhh then BOOM in with the bass :)