tracklist plz

Only listened to the first half, nothing special imo

1. 'Bass Too Dark vip' - L Double/Bassman
2. 'Truly 1 2k1 rmx' - Origin Unknown
3. 'Junglist' - Congo Natty
4. '???' - ???
5. 'Electro-Melody' - Ram
6. '???' - ???
7. 'Mutated 200x' - Fresh & Trace
8. 'Beastman' - Ram
9. '31 Seconds' - Mantis remix
1. 'Bass Too Dark vip' - L Double/Bassman
2. 'Truly 1 2k1 rmx' - Origin Unknown - RAM
3. 'Junglist' - Congo Natty
4. '???' - ???
5. 'Electro-Melody' - Ram
6. '???' - ???
7. 'Mutated 200x' - Fresh & Trace - Breakbeat Punk
8. 'Beastman' - Ram
9. '31 Seconds' - Mantis remix - White
10. ??? - Congo Natty
11. Metrosound - Adam F - KAOS
12. Up All Night (RMX) - John B - Metalheadz
13. Thugged Out Bitch - Dillinja - Valve (Bad tune!) :)

Couple more to add to the list before I got collared fer not working :)