I left feedback,
"Disco Space Neural Funk Tech. That Slap Bass note was fun in the beginning, I wish you kept it up somehow. 00:22 - mmmm, wow... the Drums are jamming! Wow, the Drop at 00:44 is nuts. Sub is right where I want it in my cheap PC headphones... big but not overbearing. Your Mid-Range layers are sick. Nothing but praise from me. 1:50 - 1:53, THAT'S a FILL!!!! 2:05 - I am now joining the Dark Side. 2:16 - there's that porno slap Bass note again ; D. 3:35 - 3:42, WICKED Fill!!! This tune is pure murder, my man... I love it! All these kickass Fills are making my head spin. Outro - ok, that can't be your Ending... waaaay too abupt. I imagine you didn't include the entire render. This definitely desereves a good two minute Outro for Mixing imo. I'd buy this on vinyl in a heartbeat."