Time to get grimey


This is Dog Fort
VIP Junglist
Nov 29, 2001
Taken from www.breakbeat.co.uk

For all those, and I’m sure there’s a few waiting on the huge ‘Grimey’, we can reveal this will be coming on a Capone double pack on Chronic on 1st April, you will also be treated to ‘12" Flares’, ‘Take My Life’, and ‘Pluto’.
At the end of April on the affiliated V Recordings, the mighty ‘LK’ will be coming with stamina’s vocal mix on the flip...
Keep ‘em peeled..

Wicked news! :D
I assume so, it's a big statement for a site like DNB Arena to make :confused:
Caution said:
A possible April fool maybe.

btw this is my 100th post.

woop woop.


Heh maybe, don't you do those in April tho? LOL :D
I didn't buy this one. Its an _EXTREMELY_ boring double pack with boring tunes. Even the cover art relects this. I'll be waiting for "LK" which also takes the piss. I've heard "LK" is coming out as _seperate_ 12"s which means V Records will get even more money out of us punters then if they just released it as a double pack.

V Records can kiss my bung hole. :evil:
1992 said:
I didn't buy this one. Its an _EXTREMELY_ boring double pack with boring tunes. Even the cover art relects this. I'll be waiting for "LK" which also takes the piss. I've heard "LK" is coming out as _seperate_ 12"s which means V Records will get even more money out of us punters then if they just released it as a double pack.

V Records can kiss my bung hole. :evil:

I am with 1992 on this one. The Grimey EP is boring :/

I bought it because it has Grimey on it, and I like Take My Life because it has that 'Nasty Ways' bass noise in it ;]

Dillinja has some much better stuff coming out soon, go Dillinja, go Dillinja!
logikz said:
isnt all aboard a masterpeice tho!!

All Aboard is wicked. I might get that back out of the non-played box again!

Dillinja r0x ;]
My personal Dillinja piece, and IMO the most underrated, would have to be Strings off the Trinity ep on V.