Final statement:
Some might have noticed that Tilt-Recordings has discontinued its operations... Although originally intended otherwise (cf TILT010 promotext) there will be no further vinyl releases on Tilt-Recordings because of the well known structural problems of the music industry in the contemporary digital media environment, effectively low vinyl sales and lack of funds. And since Tilt-Recordings started out as a vinyl label, it would be missing something essential if being continued 100% digitally. So the label was closed altogether.
Its last vinyl release has been TILT010 by Isotop/Kaiza/Shots/Budoka in early 2009, and the last digital release (T-FILE-EP015) came from Mefjus in November 2010.
The vinyl backstock was given out for free in spring 2011, all tunes were pulled from the digital shops soon after and were eventually made available as free 320 kbps mp3 downloads on the label homepage:
Bulk download links for all tunes officially released on Tilt-Recordings (zip files & podcast feeds):
No releases whatsoever will follow after, no label comeback or re-opening of Tilt-Recordings will happen. This shutdown is final. The associated Soundcloud profile and Facebook page/group will be terminated in July.
The sister netlabel T-FREE was also closed parallely in 2011, with a massive final celebration release - an LP ("tl;dr Happy End") with 35 tracks from Budoka, Kaiza, Mefjus, Pyro, kr4y, SKC, Mav, Paperclip, Engage, Polarity, Proktah, Phony, Bowsar and many others:
Bulk download links for all tunes ever released on T-FREE (zip file & podcast feed):
We the people behind Tilt-Recordings (Budoka, DJ Malice, Kaiza and DJ Hektik) are still around and can be contacted & booked through the label homepage and our social network profiles (Soundcloud, Facecock etc).
Kaiza's own label T3K Recordings (started in February 2009 as a semi-sublabel and detached from Tilt-Recordings in 2010) is still very much active:
Running Tilt-Recordings / T-Files and T-FREE was a significant part of my life for the past decade. I came to meet a lot of interesting people, had many valuable experiences and tons of fun, and I believe I also have learned some facts. My thanks go to all involved artists for their musical contribution and especially for allowing me to put the tunes online as free downloads after ending the money business, Phono (without his input the Tilt vinyl series since 2006 could not possibly have been the same; R.I.P. Leet & Intersection!), Jens Zimmermann aka Tyrell, Pyro, Polarity, Dimo, xplizit, Massl, David Badger and all others who contributed resources and information at various stages, most of all to the original founders and label mates Kaiza and Budoka.
Now for some final words by these other two label owners of Tilt-Recordings who have remained silent in most of the former label statements.
"Tilt-Recordings was the start of something for me. It was way more than just a label to release music i made or i liked. For me, it began to happen at the right time and the right place. And it was the melting pot of beliefs, ideals and expectations and also the first place of examination, observation, reflection and of course action. It was the roof over my head when "bad weather" was working against me and the "ground" beneath my feet on which i could walk whenever i wanted to. For me, the label was an absolute term for quite a long time. It was the main medium to make contacts, see the world and find a position in the dnb (lol)-circus. Although the idea (and so the label itself) was totally different in the beginning from what it became later on, Tilt-Recordings and all the people and things around it were basic groundworks for my musical development and also for my personal formation.
Now, some years later (and after countless experiences which can not be named here) and of course after a lot of change, i can say that i learned and gained so much from this project. For sure, these experiences are something that i dont want to miss... "
"Looking back on the past almost ten years with ten vinyl-releases, a couple of mp3s and a heavy load of free tunes, Tilt-Recordings was not only a label to me but so much more. It was my homebase and it has given me the possibility to share my music to people all over the world. In all these years I gained a lot of experience and found many new friends. The label also pushed my development in producing and the evolving of my own sound.
So I have to thank my label-m8s for their hard work and for the many discussions we had. Sometimes they weren't easy, but in the end we still made it and I'm proud that I've been a part of it."
Teh links: (soon offline) (soon offline)
Some might have noticed that Tilt-Recordings has discontinued its operations... Although originally intended otherwise (cf TILT010 promotext) there will be no further vinyl releases on Tilt-Recordings because of the well known structural problems of the music industry in the contemporary digital media environment, effectively low vinyl sales and lack of funds. And since Tilt-Recordings started out as a vinyl label, it would be missing something essential if being continued 100% digitally. So the label was closed altogether.
Its last vinyl release has been TILT010 by Isotop/Kaiza/Shots/Budoka in early 2009, and the last digital release (T-FILE-EP015) came from Mefjus in November 2010.
The vinyl backstock was given out for free in spring 2011, all tunes were pulled from the digital shops soon after and were eventually made available as free 320 kbps mp3 downloads on the label homepage:
Bulk download links for all tunes officially released on Tilt-Recordings (zip files & podcast feeds):
No releases whatsoever will follow after, no label comeback or re-opening of Tilt-Recordings will happen. This shutdown is final. The associated Soundcloud profile and Facebook page/group will be terminated in July.
The sister netlabel T-FREE was also closed parallely in 2011, with a massive final celebration release - an LP ("tl;dr Happy End") with 35 tracks from Budoka, Kaiza, Mefjus, Pyro, kr4y, SKC, Mav, Paperclip, Engage, Polarity, Proktah, Phony, Bowsar and many others:
Bulk download links for all tunes ever released on T-FREE (zip file & podcast feed):
We the people behind Tilt-Recordings (Budoka, DJ Malice, Kaiza and DJ Hektik) are still around and can be contacted & booked through the label homepage and our social network profiles (Soundcloud, Facecock etc).
Kaiza's own label T3K Recordings (started in February 2009 as a semi-sublabel and detached from Tilt-Recordings in 2010) is still very much active:
Running Tilt-Recordings / T-Files and T-FREE was a significant part of my life for the past decade. I came to meet a lot of interesting people, had many valuable experiences and tons of fun, and I believe I also have learned some facts. My thanks go to all involved artists for their musical contribution and especially for allowing me to put the tunes online as free downloads after ending the money business, Phono (without his input the Tilt vinyl series since 2006 could not possibly have been the same; R.I.P. Leet & Intersection!), Jens Zimmermann aka Tyrell, Pyro, Polarity, Dimo, xplizit, Massl, David Badger and all others who contributed resources and information at various stages, most of all to the original founders and label mates Kaiza and Budoka.
Now for some final words by these other two label owners of Tilt-Recordings who have remained silent in most of the former label statements.
"Tilt-Recordings was the start of something for me. It was way more than just a label to release music i made or i liked. For me, it began to happen at the right time and the right place. And it was the melting pot of beliefs, ideals and expectations and also the first place of examination, observation, reflection and of course action. It was the roof over my head when "bad weather" was working against me and the "ground" beneath my feet on which i could walk whenever i wanted to. For me, the label was an absolute term for quite a long time. It was the main medium to make contacts, see the world and find a position in the dnb (lol)-circus. Although the idea (and so the label itself) was totally different in the beginning from what it became later on, Tilt-Recordings and all the people and things around it were basic groundworks for my musical development and also for my personal formation.
Now, some years later (and after countless experiences which can not be named here) and of course after a lot of change, i can say that i learned and gained so much from this project. For sure, these experiences are something that i dont want to miss... "
"Looking back on the past almost ten years with ten vinyl-releases, a couple of mp3s and a heavy load of free tunes, Tilt-Recordings was not only a label to me but so much more. It was my homebase and it has given me the possibility to share my music to people all over the world. In all these years I gained a lot of experience and found many new friends. The label also pushed my development in producing and the evolving of my own sound.
So I have to thank my label-m8s for their hard work and for the many discussions we had. Sometimes they weren't easy, but in the end we still made it and I'm proud that I've been a part of it."
Teh links: (soon offline) (soon offline)