what's a techno? and how do i do it?
look, a techno is just these four simple steps:
1. set bpm to 130
2. kick on every beat
3. open hihat in betwen every beat
4. 303 (so a looped saw wave) doing some squargle wargle 3 note jig with LFO
et voila, A TECHNO! dont you see, we can live like kings
Just had a quick listen. Some nice Basic Channel vibes in there
thanks big man, thats exactly what i dream of doing, but im not quite there yet, in fact, thats my first dub techno diddy haha
ive played around with making little loops here and there, but ive never gotten further than a single 7 second pattern.
if i dont have constraints or deadlines or something, if i can just use anything and anything forever, i dont want to do anything.
hence the compo brody!
to arrange a techno track though, i came to realize just how instrumental the volume sliders on the mixer have been for techno,
you hook the machines up to the 16 channels, 2 x 303s, an 808 and a 909 with the different drum hits to individual channels,
the loops are running constantly all at once, but you arrange the track by fading them in and out and playing with fx sends.
this may be common knowledge, but to actually do it, is a different matter altogether. a bit like sex, theoretically its fine,
but practically, boy oh boy, thatll illustrate the difference between theory and practice for you.
but ive had feedback from others, pretty big producers (i PM terrorize them on here and doa) and whereas its not basic channel (yet
noone hates it, as such, most seem to kind of like it, actually, but it obviously has its problems, its made in a few hours with a sample pack from another tune i found on youtube. althoug, like i said, to me the limitations are inspiring.
Is the sample pack available yet?
didnt i change the link? to the sample pack? i did on doa, i must have fked it up on here, brb
I reckon I spent about 6 hours on my track. I've stuck it on my
Quite fast at 156bpm
Also posted on the DoA thread