Tech/Neurofunk = EMO Drum and bass

i actually quite like you.

but the peado shit was a bit too much.

the d.d.t was good though.
you are dumb!!!!!!

jumpup is little girls music compared to techstep man.
being manly is being hard, being able to listen to hard music without crying like a little bitch makes you a man.
i find it funny that people oh yea jump up is sick cos its so grimey when you've got producers like spor who make their shit sound like someone put cillit bang over it
i like liquid more then jump up
i dunno must be cus i like this music for long time
tbh u can jump track in few hours if u are good proudcer thats why so much of it
liquid takes a lot longer thats why its more better not much of it around atm
btw why did the tiitle say neuro/tech then hes talks about liquid

i dunno
i like liquid more then jump up
i dunno must be cus i like this music for long time
tbh u can jump track in few hours if u are good proudcer thats why so much of it
liquid takes a lot longer thats why its more better not much of it around atm
btw why did the tiitle say neuro/tech then hes talks about liquid

i dunno

good point there hun

you are dumb!!!!!!

jumpup is little girls music compared to techstep man.
being manly is being hard, being able to listen to hard music without crying like a little bitch makes you a man.

unforutunaetly sam i disagree. SOME jumpup, more specifically older jumpup aint little girls music. techstep is also a good style. there both my kinds of dnb. and i dont know where the being hard thing came into it cos i cant be arsed to read the rest of the thread but one needs to be hard to listen to techstep.

on another tip i challenge anyone to an arm wrestle and am willing to benchpress any mofo into next week!
its people like adley that make jump up shit not where the subgenre itself came from.

av read his post now sam n understand. s'jus am fightin the cause for jump up on ere cos it gets slagged to the high hilt with the way its turnin and it upsets me.

no beefage
i do listen to a lot of jump up.
I think jump up is the in thing at the moment, well obviously...and basically most dnb heads like to be the minority and listen to music that not many people listen to so they wanna find something that isnt popular then stick to that rather than becoming accociated with the 'in' thing
Oh dear!!!

I see adley lasted long! First he calls panty a paedo then calls everyone that listens to techy/nuero DnB Emos. Hahaha.