.: Sunday's Dirtbox Radio : John Tab, Inflictz (for real!) :.


Sep 23, 2003
berwyn heights, md, usa
Dirtbox Radio issue #103 (04/04/04)

Jerel and I will be joined this week by John Tab and Inflictz, who were gonna be on in the last two weeks, but couldn't make it - not by their own faults either (::whistles innocently::).

Anyhow, it's gonna be an ill show. Peep the timeslots for this Sunday:

07-09 EST - ODJ & Jerel
09-10:30 EST - John Tab
10:30-11 EST - Inflictz
11-?? EST - ODJ & Jerel... maybe more?


128k -
64k - http://jungletrain.net/64kbps.pls
24k - http://jungletrain.net/24kbps.pls
chatr00m - http://jungletrain.net/index.php?page=2&subpage=0&color=2
webcam - http://glue.umd.edu/~odjallen/dirtboxradio/webcam.html

If you're a DJ in the urrea and wanna get on and play, just hit us up. Hell, if you're a DJ and not from the area, but are up for a field trip... hit us up.

For more info and shit like that, just point your browser to www.dirtboxradio.com. there are archives of all the past shows up there as well. Plenty of ch00nage to keep you busy for a while.

BTW - I just found out that we're cleared for netcasting the Dirtbox 2 Year celebration on 4/17... biggup SD Shakedown and the Mekanik Kru... Essenchal Mekaniks will be takin the Sunday 4/18 slot over for us! That's good for you guys, cos we'd probably be all hung over and sloppy that night ;) Ok... no proablies about it :)

See you bumbaclot junglists in the chat on Sunday.
