State - Alaia (WIP)


Self confessed VW nut
Feb 19, 2009
South wales.
I started producing this tune a few hours ago. i think ive got some bass/drums variations ahead and sorting the breakdown/drop(s) out. thing is ive hit a brick wall with this tune, not sure if its a keeper anymore. any feedback would be appreciated.

the tune is called alaia.
Heavy stuff man, i'd keep working on it.

Don't really know where to fault it (not a real producer myself). Would say the drums could do with some variation, maybe different in the intro or something.

Sounding good though.
Keep it for a while longer at least. If nothing else it will be a nice easy roller.
Perhaps a little bit of chorus/delay/verb? on that organ in the intro to tie it in a bit.
The distortion/bit crushing? on the bass adds a warmth when the bass is in behind the pads, but I found it a bit much when the bass came to the front. Sounded a bit clipped or something. I liked it and disliked it at the same time, bit weird. You could add a few modulations to the bass anyway.

If you work on it some more, repost the result. Be interested to hear.
Keep it for a while longer at least. If nothing else it will be a nice easy roller.
Perhaps a little bit of chorus/delay/verb? on that organ in the intro to tie it in a bit.
The distortion/bit crushing? on the bass adds a warmth when the bass is in behind the pads, but I found it a bit much when the bass came to the front. Sounded a bit clipped or something. I liked it and disliked it at the same time, bit weird. You could add a few modulations to the bass anyway.

If you work on it some more, repost the result. Be interested to hear.

yeah im gonna experiment with the bass do some re-structuring and automations. will try to make it more interesting to the ear. i thought it had a cool vibe going so decided to work at it a bit, might try to work some obscure vocals into it too.. see how it goes.
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