DnB Some new jump up tunes

all need a lot of eq work bro sound muddy, you have used the same bass an midi pattern on both 1st and 2nd track, and alot of bass notes and stuff out of time, all need a lot of work, but keep at it
Ok thanks, that was a question I had about EQ, it sounded right to me but I didn't apply any EQ so i was wondering "could it really be fine without any EQ work". I'll have to have a listen again about the bass notes being out of time, not sure what you mean by that.

About the same bass and midi pattern in 1st and 2nd track that's intended. I always make 2 tracks with the same sounds and samples to finish something more quickly. I'm still a new producer and need to learn alot, so it's faster to have a go at it twice with the same sounds to learn. Else I will be stuck on sound design for too long and give up.
"could it really be fine without any EQ work".

Absolutely not, most of the sounds you have sometimes have residual frequencies in different ranges, so for example, a hi hat might have a few low frequencies, EQ these out so then these residual frequencies don't build up, that's what's causing the muddiness.
Ok that makes sense, I'll have to go in and EQ pass everything so they're only in the frequency range they're meant to be in i guess.

and I guess my basic mastering skills in ozone 7 don't do the muddiness any good, as i'm widening everything starting from low-mids to high frequencies with exciter and Imager. So those residual frequencies get even wider
hit mate, the way it works with music everything needs to sit within a certain point of the sound spectrum, and you need to create that space by eqing out the frequencys you dont need, for example on a sub u do a high cut not letting any sound exceed 100hz, also try using sidechain compression on your bass to your kick layer so the bass ducks out allowing the drums to cut to come through also try useing a spectrum analyser to see where each element is hitting, also what daw do you use????
I use Ableton Live.

I've used sidechaining for the snare. But I've also cut out at 200 hz in my entire bass group to let the snare come through clean.

Guess I'll have to sidechain the kicks too. I was wondering why they are so weak.

I've used the spectrum analyzer before. But I guess I've just been too lazy to do all that technical stuff like EQ'ing, Sidechaining, analyzer etc... Because I know how it works basically.

I will be less lazy from now on lol.

I'm EQ'ing and Sidechaining etc my Ganja Man track right now and it sounds a lot cleaner already
thats where you have gone wrong bro, you dont need to sidechain snare, you sidechain to kick, yeh thats it bro, it makes a difference as everything sits nicely, i use ableton aswell i find its the best, if you dont wan to focus on sound design so much aswell use presets for ur synth, what synth do u use??
NI Massive and sometimes Serum for starter Wubs and Boings.

I feel like the presets don't give me good jump up sounds, so i rather make my own sounds. I'm having a hard time though to find good sounds with massive. So i'm stuck with the same screechy sound in most of my tracks for now till I find a new sound
hahahahha i know what you mean there are some good jump up preset packs, heist has made 2, and there is one on multi function aswell
Ok I'm gonna check out the ones from Heist then. I think I already purchased the one from multifunction but didn't like it too much, It contained only basic bass'y presets that I could make myself and that's not what I'm after. I like these high pitched resonant screechy types of sounds like DJ premium, or like Macky Gee. But I really can't find out how they make it sadly. I can make the basic sound, but then the modulators or filters and curves to make it like "wubwub" or "boing" is a mystery to me.
Cool I checked out Heist preset pack and purchased the massive presets pack. It seems to contain some sounds that I was after for a long time. The Serum presets pack is dissappointing though, didn't buy it as it contains only reese basses for neurofunk. Youtube is full of tutorials to make reese basses so...

I will also try your suggestion for Macky Gee sound with GuitarPulse/Groan later :) Thanks
alot better bro, intro sounds decent just dont think the two bass and pad mix together, 1st drop is good, not big on the 2nd but keep at it much improved, some good ideas
yess, Joker is pretty nice jumpup track! ;) I agree with others say, bit of eq works required!
I was just wondering if anyone knew where to get/ how to recreate Macky Gee's sound in Black Widow/ Tour?
The macky gee sound is pretty hard to achieve I'd say, a complete mystery and top secret. Just mess around with synths like massive or serum endlessly and ofcourse the processing chain behind it (EQ, distortion, saturation, delay etc...)

BTW Here's a little XMAS Freebie from me! Download it from soundcloud!
