SOLASYNTH - a Reaktorsynth from Giana-Brotherz


New Member
Nov 15, 2003

The Solasynth is a Reaktor-ensemble and a semi modular synthesizer from the Giana-Brotherz

Picture of the solasynth:

The Solasynth is made for shaping and designing a wide range of sounds. You can set many parameters to shape many different sounds.

A short overview of the main features:

1. Oscillators
Wavetable(freehand drawn), OSCs (Reaktor Waveforms), FM (Frequenz-Modulation) Still in the OSC-Section you can manipulate the sound. (synchronisation of the oscillators and phase-modulation is possible)

2. Filter
There are many filters inside the synth. The heart is the feedbackfilter, which gives you many parameters to make a authentic filtersound or emulate a filter.
The Overdrive Filter is for the hard one of you. Lofi sounds or heavy distortions are no problem and it can be switched pre and post to the feedbackfilter. The 3xSync Filter can be switched in a parallel or seriel mode. Types of filters included are hp,bp,lp,notch,pro52,ladder.peq and more. You can synchronize all filters to the the cutoff-knob of the Feedback Filter.

3. Modulation
The matrix is the centre of the modulations. Here you can link almost all important parameters.
You can use 3LFOs, 1ENVELOPE and all OSCs as modulation sources (the button in the middle below is for the VARI-line in the matrix, where you can change the source between LFO3 or OSC3. There is a ringmodulator for modulating certain OSCs of your choice.

4. Effects
Many distortions, a euqalizer, a chorus, a st. analog delay, 1 ringmodulator and a degrader like effect, which modulates the OSC 1.

5. There are a lot of features more you can find out by yourself.

Signalflow picture:

This picture shows a simple audiosignalflow of the solasynth without the eventsignals, matrix, fm-possibilities and the makros inside.

I have made two demos with the Solasynth. You can download them below. The Drums and Voices are from the Sampler and the rest is from the Solasynth.


Automation DnB-Demo (Reecebass heavy filtered)

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