snapshot bass sound

I have the sample somewhere...

There was a roni size remix competition on future music a few years back...

but please please please...MAKE YOUR OWN SOUNDS!!! STOP THE SHEEP!!
I did manage to create a similar sound with a PS1 once :teeth: ..I just put an organ sound on a simple sub..not 2 sure if there was a bleep aswell..think yes.

Just experiment!
i know I'm not trying to copy just like the sound and would like to be able to do a variation....anyone really know...........its not just a square wave!!
sammy thanks for your contribution mate, but the bits about 'make your own sounds' and 'dont copy' or whatever thats a different discussion and those messages is time better spent sitting on your hands trying to kick yourself in the kidneys
sammy thanks for your contribution mate, but the bits about 'make your own sounds' and 'dont copy' or whatever thats a different discussion and those messages is time better spent sitting on your hands trying to kick yourself in the kidneys


it's good to know how sounds are created, it definately furthered my production knowledge
sammy thanks for your contribution mate, but the bits about 'make your own sounds' and 'dont copy' or whatever thats a different discussion and those messages is time better spent sitting on your hands trying to kick yourself in the kidneys


it's good to know how sounds are created, it definately furthered my production knowledge

i know what u mean guys...but either way...i dont see the point in trying to recreate someone else's sound...
i know what your getting at, i wouldn't re-create a sound to use, the same as i wouldn't use a preset; however they have helped me learn to make my own sounds
yeah its a square, low passed. fast attack...

n best to make bass noise ur self. unless ur doing an official remix or summin

i can honestly say i have never used a premade sample bass. i make all my basses.
cheers peeps and no I'm not trying to copy and would never use a bass sample either I just want to learn and if i can understand different techniques then all the better!!
(could sample it for remix or watever) but......

i got a patch which is a sine, triangle and square with mostly the square in the mix. and applied an envelope to the pitch of the sound so it very quickly drops from hi to lo like a kik drum. then a little filtering and your done.
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