DnB Skinzel - Inbound (First proper track)

great song, love the atmosphere, break is nice and unique. maybe a little more snap on the snare if u know what i mean, try layering white noise with each snare hit, but turned down low and eqed around 2500-3500 range. Like the mix, it is well put together and all that good stuffs.

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Thanks for the feedback man! Your tune is pretty sick too! Like the use of the first drop as you call it, I wasnt expecting it thats for sure. The bass sounds are nice too, one thing I would say is make the snare a bit more prominent in the mix and perhaps the other drum hits a bit louder, other than that - nice work!
First off I'd like to congratulate you on finding the right section to post your track. You sir, are a prime example of how to do things around here! You'd be amazed at the places we find people trying to post their tracks for feedback lol! Oh, and welcome to our community!

Now, onto your track.....I'm liking the intro so far, nice and chilled, very original type of drum pattern, but I think it needs some EQ work to give it it's full potential. Bass is heavy after the drop, but again, I feel it's overpowering some other elements of your track. Sidechaining or better EQ work would help this situation.

But if you're still new, then this is something that you will learn over time. Right now, you got the right idea of structure, and melodies etc.....you are definately on the right path mate. Keep it up!
Thanks man it's appreciated! By the way... do you have any tips about getting the right balance once it drops? I compressed pretty much everything in the track individually did this maybe bring down the levels of the non-bass synths too much? Im still getting to grips with how to use compression... do I need to maximise a sound once its compressed to bring its prominence in the mix back? :S
Yeah dont go too crazy with compressors if you dont understand them yet. They can take away alot of dynamics from a track, especially if you are compressing every individual element.

I'd suggest not using compressors at all for now (unless sidechaining a bass for example), and focus on learning mixdown techniques and EQ. Dont get caught up in trying to make everything as loud as possible, as long as the levels are ok, leave them be.
love the tune mate. like the drums on it, not the standard 2 step. good cuttin snare too.
wicked vibe to the tune, good use of filtering sounds in.